8 Ways to Declutter Your Mind Feb 09, 2022
Clutter doesn't just happen in your home or office.  It is not just in the physical form it can occur mentally too.  And a cluttered mind will get in your way of achievement and living a truly fulfilling life.  Do you suffer from a cluttered mind? How do you know if it is time...
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Do you need to move forward? Light a fire within? Be more caring to yourself? Feb 08, 2022

If the answer is yes, we can start with something very simple. Talk to yourself. I know it sounds simple and what we say to ourselves can shift not only how we feel but how we see things.

The following affirmations are written to support you at your inner core and remind you of your strength,...

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How do you get your mojo back after you've lost it? Nov 07, 2021

We all have times where we lose our mojo or our confidence. Self doubt can creep in when we least expect it. We are drivers, entrepreneurs, leaders in our businesses and our homes, community developers, parents and teachers. We live full demanding lives during a time in our history like no other....

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What do your mornings look like? exercise gratitude morning routine perspective positive mindset Nov 03, 2021

What you do in the morning can set the tone for what happens for your entire day right up until you go back to bed. A solid start leads to a successful day. Start your day with rituals that make you feel powerful and alive.

The right morning routine will change your life. If we fail to...

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Why do pencils have erasers? Oct 20, 2021

The truth is no one is perfect and we don’t always have it all together. Nor do I think we need to. We all struggle at times and what I think we struggle with most is to be brave enough to admit it. Or admit when we don’t know something or that we are a little messy inside and out.


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The 5 Levels of Leadership Sep 14, 2021

"Everything rises and falls on leadership. Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less." - John Maxwell

In September of 2012, I had the pleasure of listening to author and leadership coach John Maxwell speak at a Keller Williams national convention called Mega Camp. The following are my...

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Fearless Aug 17, 2021

Every life has a story and every story is different of course. And while parts of my story are still hard to share, I feel it is important to do so because while my story is about me it is not for me. Our story is to be told so we can help someone else. In our stories there are lessons to...

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The Power of Gratitude Jun 22, 2021

Many years ago Oprah Winfrey spoke about her gratitude journal on the Oprah Winfrey show.  It was the first time I had ever heard of such a thing. She shared the deep effect writing in it had on her and her life.  Oprah said at the end of each day she writes down the 5 things that she...

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Why Are You Here? Jun 14, 2021

It has been said that the single most important thing we can do for ourselves and ultimately for others is to set on the path to understanding our purpose in life. I believe we are all here for a reason; to fulfill a purpose only we can. Each one of us is uniquely made and we have the ability to...

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Pump Up The Energy Jun 10, 2021

Are you curious how some people seem to have the most positive outlook on life, regardless of what is happening around them? Or how others seem to be at peace and not outwardly stressed or affected by challenges and change? Perhaps you are seeking ways to feel more in control and more in...

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The ABCs of Goal Setting May 27, 2021

If you are curious about achieving success and how to have the life you created in your mind; I will let you in on a little (not so) secret. The key to success starts very simply. Set a goal. It is the only way to achieve success. Without a goal, I mean how do you even know if you're on the right...

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The Adventure of Finding Myself May 04, 2021

Adventure is defined as an exciting or unusual experience. And the journey to discovering who I am, who I was born to be has been nothing less than an exciting and unusual experience. One that I hope will never end.

There were twists and turns, many hills and stretches of flat roads that seemed...

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