The Power to Write a Letter to Your Younger Self Sep 26, 2024

Have you ever thought about what you would say if you had the opportunity to speak to your younger self? 

What advice would you offer? What encouragement would you share? Writing a letter to your younger self is more than just a reflective exercise; it’s an opportunity to reconnect...

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6 Strategies to Reduce Anxiety By Managing Your Emotions Sep 12, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, managing our emotions can feel like a daily battle. We experience highs and lows throughout the day, and at times, these emotions can become overwhelming. Emotional
intelligence—the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions—plays a...

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The E-to-P Model: Breaking Through Your Ceiling of Achievement Sep 04, 2024

in the journey of business and personal development, many individuals encounter a point where their usual strategies and talents no longer seem effective. This is often referred to as hitting a "ceiling of achievement." If you’ve ever felt like you’re working hard but not making the...

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How to Give Feedback Without Creating Defensiveness Aug 28, 2024

Feedback is essential for growth, improvement, and maintaining healthy relationships—whether in the workplace, in personal life, or in any situation that requires collaboration. However, giving feedback can be tricky. When not done correctly, it can lead to defensiveness, resentment, and...

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6 Strategies For Navigating Change Aug 07, 2024

Change is an inevitable part of life, yet it often stirs up a mix of emotions ranging from excitement to anxiety. For the past 14 years I’ve coached and consulted real estate agents through all different markets, and yet anyone following the news knows that one of the biggest changes to the...

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How to be 93% More Likely to Hit Your Goals Aug 01, 2024

Achieving your goals often feels like an uphill battle filled with distractions, self-doubt, and a lack of clear direction. However, data-driven strategies can significantly increase your chances of success. Today I’m giving you a step-by-step approach that will make you 93% more likely to...

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The Hidden Stress of Misalignment: When Your Values and Strengths Don't Match Your Daily Life Jul 24, 2024

Ever feel like you're drifting through life without a clear sense of direction? It might be because your values and strengths are not aligned with what you do every day. This misalignment can cause significant stress and discontentment, preventing you from reaching your full potential and living...

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Taking Back Control of Your Happiness Jul 17, 2024

In our journey through life, it’s easy to fall into the trap of placing our happiness in the hands of others. We often rely on external sources – whether it’s a partner, a friend, a job, or a certain situation – to bring us joy and fulfillment. However, true happiness...

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Overcoming Overcommitment: How to use NO as a complete sentence Jul 10, 2024

This week on The Monday Morning Mojo Podcast I got candid about feeling overcommitted in all areas of my life recently, how a meeting I was leading led to a breakdown, the surprising way my team reacted and how that ultimately gave me the breakthrough I needed to get rebalanced and remotivated....

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Beating Burnout: Strategies for Thriving in a Job You Love Jul 03, 2024

Loving your job doesn’t make you immune to burnout. Even when you're passionate about your work, the demands and pressures can accumulate, leading to feelings of exhaustion and overwhelm. If you’re struggling with burnout, here are some actionable tips and mindset shifts to help you...

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The Law of Attraction vs. Manifestation: Which is more effective? Jun 26, 2024

Did you know you can harness the power of your mind to achieve your dreams? .

In the last several years, we have heard a lot about manifestation. Before that the movie and subsequent book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne introduced us to The Law of Attraction.  While these terms are often used...

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10 Self Care Routines (You Probably Didnā€™t Think Of) Jun 20, 2024

Self-care is more than just indulging in spa days or quiet baths—it's about prioritizing your well-being in every aspect of your life. I am challenging you to redefine self-care and make it a powerful tool for personal growth and resilience and that’s why today I wanted to give you my...

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