Getting What You Want

Everyone talks about goal setting. But what about goal achieving? 

Setting goals is the easy part. It is fun to daydream about what you want in life. And in the beginning, the pursuit of our goals is exciting … until it’s not! Sometimes, the path to our goal(s) can become difficult, challenging, even boring! Limited beliefs and negative talk can get in our way too. And let’s not forget that getting consistent results requires focus, discipline and a plan.  

Research shows that people who write down their goals are 80% more likely to achieve them. Simply because written goals become external and are protected from the emotions that cause us to second guess ourselves. Of course, no one can achieve your goals except for YOU but knowing what you want to achieve and breaking those goals into smaller, manageable pieces gives you something to work toward each day.

Listen in as Anna shares:

  1. How goal ACHIEVERS live a bigger life than goal SETTERS.
  2. How to use the Wheel of Life exercise to determine which areas of your life you feel fulfilled and which ones you want to improve.
  3. The definition of SMART goals.
  4. 4 questions a good accountability partner will ask you.


Resources Mentioned in the Show:

Download the Wheel of Life Workbook:


Journal Prompts:

  1. Explore your feelings about goal setting. How do you feel when you accomplish a goal? If you don’t set goals, why not?
  2. Think about at least one goal you want to accomplish. Do you have a strategic plan? If not, why not? What’s holding you back?


Quotes to Remember:

  • The goal is never about where you ARE…it’s about where you want to be.
  • Accountability is your opportunity to have what you want.


Connect with Anna:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: @CoachAnnaGibbs 

Instagram: @CoachAnnaGibbs 

YouTube: @Annagibbsatkw


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